Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day one at the Stalkers'

If I have one regret about this blog project, it is that I've chosen Blogger as my canvas of choice. I didn't really give myself any time to shop around, because if I had I would have quickly realized what is all too clear to me now: this website totally munches. Don't ever start a blog here. Instead find a rock somewhere - preferrably granite or a suitable substitute - and bash it into your brain until raspberry jam comes out.

So....yeah, just had to get that out. Moving on.

On a related note, I couldn't upload photos from today so please check my flickr page, or clickity directly to the set of today's shots here.

To: JJ

From: Dar

Abby was hot and cold all day; she started painfully shy and seemingly in real pain, then would get better, then revert, etc. Something is not quite right, I'm sure she's not feeling 100 percent. A dose of Motrin and teething gel seemed to do the trick this afternoon, so take your pick on which was the right diagnosis. She'll be fine, still just getting over whatever, and possibly a slight fever from her immunizations.

We had a nice day, played outside a lot. Strangely they started the day on exact opposite schedules...Abby up at 5:30, Lily slept in until 9:30. I actually put Abby down for her first nap when I was getting Lily up the first time. Yet their second nap put them back in synch, and they ended up off to bed in tandem at 8.

Lily is running circles around the house, talking people's ears off and generally being a flirty happy monkey. Abby is smiley when she feels like it, and a whimpering bowl of jelly otherwise.

They loved on of the cars your parents have, check flickr for a photo of it. Hilarious. Lily took a spill off it at one point, but no more road rash.

I'm super tired, so I'm heading off to bed a bit early. You're likely just about to get up, so good morning! Hope your first night was memorable, in a Norweigian sorta way.


Day ninety five


  1. some of my favorite pictures of them ever. I think we will be framing some of them. So cute.

  2. Honey, the first comment was from me. I was on the hotel's computer and it wouldn't let me sign the comment as myself. It looks like I missed a very fun day in Duluth!
