Sunday, May 24, 2009

55 degree water can apparently give you a heart attack. Who knew?


I am already starting to mooch off the family, in terms of babysitting/watching the girls. This morning Neil, Jon and I went off to Enger for 18 holes while Marj and Suze and Kyla and whoever else were in charge of watching the munchkins. Kyla needs to get a special shout out; she is an ace at playing with the kids. Especially Abby, with whom she's very gentle and attentive. Suze and Marj are no slouches, either.

The kids are good, although I'm fretting about health things more than I probably should. Lily's rash isn't getting better, and in fact the last time I changed her it seemed markedly worse. And she woke up with a cough today. Hmm. Abby is still just "blah", kinda lethargic and not feeling herself, but her temps have been a lot better. It's frustrating having her not be herself, but there were moments when her spunkiness would creep to the surface. Just before bed she managed, out of nowhere, to blow sleepy kisses and wave bye-bye to us in attendance. Nice.

Lily does not stop roaming the house. She just circles around, around the dining room, walking and walking, stopping here and there to say hi. She's even warming to Jon, which is remarkable. And while she's good with everyone, she especially seems quite taken with Grandma. We'll have to curb that somehow.

We're all marvelling over a picture your Mom brought out of you when you were about Lily's age. I am's totally Lily. It's you, but it's Lily. I can barely fathom how similar you guys are. Right down to the last squinty smiling eye.

I took a mammoth nap today. It was amazing. After dinner Jon and I did a sauna-swim-sauna-swim. Jon opted out of that last swim cycle because he's a wuss. Felt great. I was told afterward by Mike, our resident internist for the night, that that was a good way to have a heart attack. Maybe I need to stop doing things like this now that we have kids.

Miss you. Sorry no pictures today, I'll try to do some tomorrow before I hand over control to your parents.

Day ninety eight.

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