Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Speaking for Jen: oy

Abs sporting a hat. Indoors. Which is crazy! Except that our house is 39 degrees, so it's really not that crazy.

I called Jen at 1:30 today to ask how the day was. She told me. I considered not coming home.

To sum up, the girlies were little hellions for most of the day. This makes me twinge with guilt at having spent my day at work - a veritable vacation, by comparison - while Jen spent her Tuesday doling out time-outs, out-lasting tantrums, force-clothing kids, and having a rough time in general. Poor Jen.

There is a jocular, daddly part of me that thinks their moods will change instantly when I come home, that they'll run to me and give me hugs and be stand-up, law-abiding kids because we're a whole family again. That didn't quite happen; for a second day now, they considered my entrance with guarded apathy. And while they didn't really reach the crescendo of madness that they had during the day, they were hardly daisies during the nighttime. Cranky and edgy. Bipolar might be a good way to put it, as I had them belly laughing one second, then bawling the next.

In unrelated news, Abby is trying her best to drown herself, or at least concuss herself smartly. This is because she has taken a strong liking to lying on her back in the bath. For most of the bath, she sits and is fine, but then we lie her back to rinse her hair off. No biggie; she loves it and thinks it's hilarious and splashes all of us with her legs. However, we've found that when we pull her back up into a sitting position, she just throws herself backwards, thinking our hands are still present to guide her safely back to prone. 'Downright frightening' is a good way to describe this. Jen caught her at it last bathtime, and tonight I caught her a couple times, then she did it again and I missed and she bonked on the side of the bath. Hopefully it taught her a lesson, but probably not.

Day three hundred and thirty.

Hat time for both the chipmunks.

"From this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remembered;
we few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother;
be he ne'er so vile
This day shall gentle his condition and gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think
themselves accurs'd they were not here,
and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."
(It just has a Henry V feel to it, does it not?)

Mommy and the girls made cookies today. They were both tasty and lickable.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate. I have memories of being so frustrated with the kids, but hardly any of why. I guess it's like childbirth, you get amnesia.
