Sunday, January 10, 2010

OCD time.

Teaching your kid to rock. Lesson 1: How to properly drool on a guitar.

Another successful day of not leaving the house! This was by design, particularly in the morning, which we'd carved out as "jammie and free play time". The afternoon I was going to go running, but I left some things - notably, my long underwear - out in the car, and I couldn't swallow putting on 0 degree long underwear to go run in 0 degree weather. However, I do still have to go out and switch some car seats around, which will mark my first time stepping out of our drafty little cottage.

A day devoid of leaving the house is going to make for a predictably dull blog post.

I can proudly report that the kids were a lot more chilled out and normal today. No epic struggles between us and them; just the usual minute-by-minute tiny tugs-of-war between us on who, exactly, runs the show.

Lily has begun a new and exciting Routine Phase. Rather than explain it, I'll paint it for you with an example: Last week, Jen wore her brown coat four mornings in a row when she helped bring the girls out to the car before day care. On the fifth day, she put on her blue coat. This was unacceptable to Lily, who shrieked and howled until the appropriate coat was donned.

I'm not sure, but I have a feeling this part of her psyche is one and the same with the one that cries foul when Jen and I have physical contact (which happened again tonight, this time just because I was touching the chair Jen was in. "Nooooo!" cried Lily, while we amusingly tried to figure out what she was unhappy with).

This is an interesting phase, at least it is for her, since her approach to it is so scattershot. We were slightly concerned that we would be changing cribs on her, thinking she might not be totally on board with it and would dole us out a measured and furious response...something along the lines of two or three sleepless nights. But she didn't miss a beat, no problems, smooth sailing. It's bizarre that she would get so wound up about the jacket Jen throws on in the heat of our helter skelter morning routine, yet a bed change goes unnoticed completely by her. At least, I think it was unnoticed. She didn't say anything, like, "Hey, new bed!"

Abby could care less about any of it. Jen could put on a tube top and zubas with a turban on her head, and she would carry on like a clam.

Day three hundred and twenty eight.

Closeups of dinner time!!! GAAAHH!


Lily at the conservatory, conserving.

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