Thursday, January 28, 2010


Maybe not the best picture of either of them, but it's one of those rare moments these days when we can get both of them in the same shot.

Dave is out, sampling some beer and tasting some food at a friend's house, so I thought I'd do him a favor and blog tonight. I'm not feeling very bloggy though because I'm quite tired. This is partly because I got up at the crack of dawn in order to go to my soon-to-be work to meet some people and discuss what I'll be doing there. It might also be partly due to the fact that it is exhausting trying to keep up with two toddlers every day. But I think it is mainly due to the fact that I followed up my morning meeting by going to a funeral for my childhood friend's infant son, an event that is quite draining.

Attending a funeral for a baby is one of those times in life in which you just can't come up with the right things to say, no matter how much you want to. What I think I've learned from our past experience with this (when we lost a niece about two and a half years ago) is that it is important just to be there and to acknowledge that it has happened. Not just when it happened, but through the passing of time as well. So I'll take this opportunity to tell you (you know who you are), that I think of Elizabeth often and I always will. I think if it were me, I think I'd want to know her memory lived on. But then again, I can't imagine what I'd want.

What I will say is that these events help me to put things into perspective and to remember that we are so lucky to have Abby and Lily. Just thinking about it makes me want to go wake them up and hug them. I won't though. I'm not crazy.

As for the girls (they are why you read this blog, right?), they had a lovely time playing with Uncle Steve and their cousin Oliver (and Maya for a short time before she had to go to school). They were so exhausted afterward that I had to wake them from their nap later so that they didn't sleep all the way to bedtime. Thanks for taking good care of them Steve!

Day three hundred and forty six

I love that face.

Olly making sure Lily is alright. Or checking to find out if she is edible.

Lily attempting a somersault. She has some work to do.

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