Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Candid camera

Monkey face.
Happy monkey

I can't believe how little I wanted a video camera in the girls' room before they were born, and how badly I want one now. In case you're not sure what I'm talking about, they make cameras that you can mount in your kid's room and wire to (or make wireless magic with) your television. A click of the remote, and WHAMMO...there's your kid. Jen's sister and husband have this for their kids, and at the time I thought it was cool, but it didn't make the cut when we were (quite frugally) preparing for parenthood.

For almost two years, I've stood by that decision, because infants are criminally boring. Now, things are different. Now our kids stay up, on average, about an hour after we put them down for both naps and night-night, and we can hear the most magical and mysterious and confounding sounds from those monitors. It drives me batty with wonder to think about what is happening up there.

Jen reports that the girls were making strange kissy noises, followed closely by riotous laughter, today during naptime. She could only laugh and smile and leave the rest to her imagination, because opening that door and trying to get the most cursory of peeks would break the spell. When they're awake and giggling at each other in their cribs, it is truly magical, but like the proverbial apple from the naughty tree, you're not allowed to look in, or else all is ruined.

I have to revisit the camera thing. It just might be worth it now.

Day three hundred and forty four.

Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Count yourself lucky, because you are looking at the very moment of me coming home from work. Anarchy! Lily ran at me initially, then ran away because the excitement was simply too much.

Abby ran at me as well at first, then stepped back to play air guitar??

1 comment:

  1. Those pics of you coming home are adorable! Wish I got that reaction. Right now I am getting bit by the 20 pounder and, well, Andrew still loves me.
    Miss my camera. Don't have it here in Seattle and I always wonder what Matthew is doing when I am hearing that loud banging followed by hysterical laughter.
