It's funny how some days are utterly bereft of any writable events, and others are chock-full of them. It's one. Or it's the other. Yet both seem to share the quality of a complete lack of rest for us, which doesn't make sense. Even slow days find us exhausted at the end of them.
Today was a busy day, and I am exhausted, always.
I've started to break out after 14 months of near-criminal lethargy. Jen and I have decided that the our lack of proper exercise is pretty much slowly killing us, so we're going to trade kid duty for activities. She's graciously allowed me Saturday mornings for ultimate frisbee, which is the aerobic equivalent of a cattle prod to my heart. Today was the first day. After that and yesterday's bike ride, I already feel better.
This feeling dissolved in a puddle of malt vinegar tonight when Jen and I were out and I decided fish and chips would be a healthy entree choice. Maybe the two pints I drank helped carry it out my aorta, through the ventricles and out of my body.
Tonight, we went to Andrew Bird at the State Theatre. Good show, not overwhelmingly good, but solid. B+. Dosh was stellar and watchable as always. Somehow the sum of Andrew's live show is not quite equal to the deft skill of its parts.
The enormous marquee event of the day was: Abby figured out crawling. If you weren't already aware, we are proud parents of a 14 month old who hasn't grasped the finer points of transporting herself. That we are also parents of another 14 month old who can practically run the high hurdles (sigh. wishful thinking) just serves to highlight this discrepancy. But let's stay positive here.
Abby has always viewed her legs as lackluster hangers-on body parts. Their true potential, and their pivotal role in locomotion, always seemed to be lost on her. This afternoon she suddenly wanted a cup Lily had a couple feet away. Unable to reach it, she planted her hands on the ground and pulled herself forward. It was an inch, at best. Yet this alone was remarkable enough that I yelled to Jen in the next room about it. Abby doesn't know how to pull; it just doesn't happen.
Right after that, she put her self on her knees, which is not new for her. Then she put a hand forward. 'That's noteworthy', I noted in my mental notepad filled with notes. Then, like a dream, she lifted up her leg - this unnecessary organ of appendix-like proportions for her - and planted it a few inches ahead. Then another hand. Then the other leg. After it was over, she'd gone about two feet.
We were elated. This is off the charts good news for her. I put her in a few more crawlable situations with the toy she wanted, and every time she got up on all fours and moved forward. The fear of it being a fluke was thus assuaged.
I can't wait for the morning so I can try it again.
Day fifty five.
repeat pictures today.