Why do I feel like the only person who gets sick like I do? I feel awful for one day, fine the next, then I languish for 12 more days feeling tired, mucky, sore throat, and just deflated. Maybe it's H1N1, despite the fact that I never ran much of a fever and never threw up. Who knows. My physiology is a mystery.
Most of the day with the girls was rather hazy and unremarkable, to be honest. We went on a walk. Lily has a wicked rash; bad enough that I get that tingly-awful sensation in my spine when I see it. Ouchie. This means that dressing and changing her is pretty tortuous and makes us feel terrible about doing it. Not helping is the fact that she's going into crap-factory overdrive lately. She's getting decaf from here on out.
I wonder if it's something viral or yeast maybe, because Abby is now showing some nasty signs of it. Joy! Rashes are a pox on the good experience that is parenting.
Tonight we headed over to the Dockters' house, where they gregariously shared their Sammy's brand frozen pizza (producto de Duluth) with us. Frozen pizza may not sound like a notable event, but this was a pretty decent approximation of the real Sammy's pizza, which is fairly outstanding.
The Dockters have a 4 year old and 2 year old twins, all boys. It was lunacy. Being around little boys is a nice chance to see just how different an experience it is. They are so very boyish, in every way. There's a lot more leaping. And snakes and crocodiles and millipedes and bouncing. I don't think the girls knew how to handle it right away (too many girl cousins), but after a while it sunk in they had a good time. Nico sang us some songs, and Lily danced in front of him. It was her ho-down yokel dance with the right leg stomp. Fun times.
Day two hundred and eighty eight.