Friday, April 10, 2009

Never drink and blog.

Having a pacifier in my mouth is the only way they pay attention to me.

Today was a ridiculous blur of events. Here it is, in some quick cuts:

Started off with Lily sleeping in until 8:30. She's got a virus, and felt sleep was beneficial.

Went to Jen's school with the girls. Met some MBA students. Met Belinda Jensen's husband, a tall and affable guy who wants to name his new dog Lisa.

Dropped the kids off at daycare. Lily was not a fan of us leaving her there at 10, as she'd been under the assumption that it was a weekend.

Jen and I went for breakfast at Victor's. Ate plaintains, read graffiti, felt claustrophobic.

I took a nap for a few minutes after that. Not sure what Jen did, but when I woke up she had left for the library.

De-winterized my bike, then went for the first ride of the year. Abyssmal. 11.84 miles with an average speed of 14.7 mph. The first ride is always rough; the sore butt, the atrophied muscles, the forgetting how to get out of my clips when I stop. Whee! I rarely enjoy the first ride, but it's now in the past, so onward and upward.

Just barely had time after the ride to change and go take Lily to a doctor appointment. We thought she had an ear infection, instead it is just a throat virus thing. That's a win, since it's the most economic ailment she could possibly get; our prescription was for popsicles to help her throat feel better. Done.

Back home, Lily went for a nap. I had 40 minutes before Jen got home with Abby, enough time to clean or vacuum or do something productive. Instead I laid on the deck with a coke and did nothing. Sometimes doing nothing is the only thing to be done.

Fed kids.

Went to Toys-R-Us. I've always enjoyed the irony that toy stores and party supply stores are easily - easily - the most depressing retail spaces in existence. The joy is sapped from the air in these places. The last party supply store we went to felt like a holocaust museum, a fact made all the more somber in the bar/bat mitzvah aisle. The Toys-R-Us today held all the charm and whimsy of a shooting range. No music. No decoration. Price tags and signs resplendent in arial 20 point type. It seems to be the antithesis of what a toy store should be. My only theory is that kids are so bonkers for toys, they don't care about anything else, so why spend the dough on it?

Oh yeah, that reminds me. Lily was playing with my stomach as I laid on the ground today, and out of nowhere said, "Dough. Dough dough dough." I hadn't actually heard her say this sound yet, until she laid hands on my flabby midsection. Smart girl.

Post-morgues-r-us, made a dinner of our maraca artichokes (see yesterday's post) and bread and cheese and wine. Lotsa wine. Truth be told, I can kinda see two computer screens right now, but I'm managing. It was a nice bottle.

Day fifty four.

Jen dangling some tchotchke in front of the girls.

I'm wiiiiiiiiiiiiiide awake....

She loves drinking from a glass.

1 comment:

  1. I love the "wide awake" picture. Also, THAT'S the thing with Toys 'R Us. I've never been able to put my finger on it, but I've never liked it.
    Have a great rest of your weekend!
