Another Saturday...another day held prisoners in the house by bad luck and our own lack of fortitude. Since the morning was s'posed to be warm and all, we'd figured a stroll around the block with our criminally underexercised dog would be nice way to throw an angry fist at the grey and somber day. As it turned out, that grey and somber day held no shortage of rain, so every time we considered striking out of doors, we were turned back by the wetness.
This might be where a lack of fortitude comes in. Could we have stepped up to a higher level of parenting, equipped our kids with waterproof digs, and headed out? Maybe. Who knows. Saturday mornings do not make for fruitful forums on how to better ourselves...they're more about taking the easiest possible route from morning to naptime and getting the most laughs in the process. Rain is not on our agenda, especially when it's of the freezing variety.
So this morning we moved around the house, playing in and destroying each room as we went. Naptime was almost a total bust, thanks to an ill-timed loss of a 'fire (or "pacifier", for you newcomers) which woke up Lily, who woke up Abby, etc. After some serious negotiations - our kids make amazing arguments - we put them down to sleep at last, which barely lasted an hour. Kids are tiring.
During the afternoon we'd scheduled some random errands to run; trip to Ikea, Target, the sort of things that make me yearn for the weekend. Since the kids slept so little during their naps, they woke up at a 8.2 on the cranky scale, and we - once again administering the philosophy of Saturday - decided that it wasn't worth the headache. So inside the Gels family did remain, enjoying each other's company, for the most part.
Amazingly, unbelievably, Abby did not go down during bedtime. She was whimpering a lot, then she started shrieking. After at least 20 minutes, we decided to go up and fetch her, since she's had some strong gas pains lately and this was probably more of the same. Nope. I picked her up and brought her down, and she was a beautiful, happy little peach, hamming it up for us for the better part of an hour. Monkey. While I hate those moments because they make the mechanics of life so much harder, they are also sweet and tender and are easily the best moods that Abby is in. I also feel rather guilty because Lily rarely ever is up at inappropriate times, being the rock solid sleeper she is, so we never really get to enjoy moments like these with her. One of these days we'll just wake her up randomly and make her watch bad tv with us for the quality time of it.
Day three hundred and forty one.