Monday, April 6, 2009

Dancing with monkeys

What does the tube say, you may wonder? Butt paste.

There's not much cooler in my life than dancing with the girls. It is the epitome of all things foolish and spontaneous; plus they love it, and I get an embarrassingly thorough workout. One kooky song, and I'm usually left gasping for breath, dizzy and elated at the perfect way to spend 3 minutes with the kids. Jen and I can goofy-dance like nobody's business.

Getting just the right song to dance to is crucial, at least for me. I doubt the girls care, so long as there's lots of crazy un-tempo movements and chaotic jerkiness. But I care about the song. And I still believe that these positive experiences will somehow form a synapse in their brain that will connect it forever to the sounds of good tunes.

In an effort to further this awesome pasttime, and to better illustrate just how things go down in the Gels house, I'm launching a new feature where I post a new song that is a perfectly juicy pop gem that is just screaming to be danced to. If you've got kids nearby, click on the link to today's song, set the volume to a decent level, swoop that kid into your arms and move like a maniac. It works wonders.

(If you'd like be able to continue on this page, right click and choose to open in a new window. Somehow I couldn't figure out how to do that automatically.)

Boring Fountain by Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin

Day fifty

ps. it would have been super cool to have pictures of the girls and us dancing today, but I didn't have any handy and they were actually a little cranky tonight. Not a dancing type of mood.

Abby slowly eating a graham cracker just like that kid in The Golden Child.

Abigail in profile.

Lily sporting Daddy's hat. I thought she would tear this right off her head, but she posed deliberately, soaking up the attention.

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1 comment:

  1. Love the song, I'm putting it on my running list on my iPod. Thanks!
