For about 6 minutes tonight, there was ricocheting around my brain the perfect balance of red wine and chocolate cake and pizza. This perfect and delicate ratio found me swimming in great blog post quips and bites. These 6 minutes have long since passed (almost 102 minutes ago); since then, Jen decided that the red wine was giving her a headache, so I did the chivalrous deed of putting the rest of the bottle away as a solo act. This act proved to be both the death knell of my creative streak as well as the conception of my sleepy streak. That this red wine beverage is not used for general anesthesia is a terrible crime.. think of the money that could be saved. It brings The Sleeps on with alarming velocity.
I will have one image from the day stay with me, and it is this: Lily slipping around on her own urine. We gave them a psuedo-bath after dinner (long story), and afterwards let the monkeys traipse around their quarters in the buff, as they say. We keep this time of nudity relatively brief, and yet it remains to be a source of problems. And so it was tonight: Lily was standing by the closet on the hardwood floor when The Sound came. Nothing sounds like pee coming from a standing toddler; I could pick this noise out of a thousand others with both ears tied behind my head.
I should mention here that Lily has become self aware of this urination thing, and when it occurs she peers quizzically at her lower half, wondering where this lovely fountain can possibly be bubbling from.
Cleanup is usually fairly easy. I throw a towel at her feet to catch what I can, then reach over to grab her and pull her back onto another towel for a quick rub down/cleansing. The plan went awry when I reached for her and she took a step away, lost her footing on the slippery floor, and began slipping around in her own pee. She never fell; it looked a lot like that clever animation from Scooby Doo where someone (Daphne, say) would run in place for a good 4 seconds before physics kicked in and the meddling kid would take off like a shot. Lily's legs did some serious moving before I finally grabbed her up.
It's non-stop action at the Gels house.
Day one hundred and sixteen.
Abby Gels