Saturday, November 7, 2009

Titles are sometimes the hardest part of blogging.

If I'd let go, she might still be in flight.

It's sad how satisfying cleaning the house was today. Our house wasn't exactly health department bad, but it was pretty dingy. The biggest offender is the tiny white marks on the hardwoods - these are the places where the girls drop their sippy cups at a whim, sending a little bit of milk to the floor which dries into a small white mark. It was uber satisfying to clean all that crap and give the house a good once over.

Again, this is sad that I got so much pleasure from this. Sadder still is that it took almost the entirety of their afternoon nap to get done. Cleaning the house during naptime is good and necessary sometimes, but I can't help the feeling that the time could have been spent on much more substantial tasks. Like giving greater attention to the Navy - Notre Dame game.

We headed to the park this afternoon for some playground time. A really nice boy came over and asked quite earnestly if the girls wanted to play. I wanted desperately to say yes and urge the girls over, but he was a bit older than them, and I get the feeling like our kids are just a few months shy of being able to just plop down with strange kids and not freak out about it. I did give Lily the option, and she was intrigued, but not so much so that she didn't keep her distance from them, close enough to touch my leg in case the need arose. Still, it was nice of the kid to ask.

Tonight, a baby shower for friends Jen and Tim, and Papa came over to watch the girls for us.

Day two hundred and seventy four.

Mommy working the swings.

Lily looking uninterested in the swing.

She refused a clean diaper.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Momless nights of soccer based playtime.

It's telling that she looks to be the more informed of us. If this were a slapstick buddy picture, she'd be the straight one and I'd be the goofball pratfaller.

I caved to my slackery impulses, and now it's almost 11 and I find myself tired.

Tonight, Jen was off being involved in business school - she explained the event to me, but it was definitely over my head - so I took care of the kids all by myself, for two whole hours. Since there are two of them, that equates to 4 total man-hours of kid care (right? that math checks out). We had some good times, we had some bad times. Mostly good. And while I do hate to point fingers, 100% of the bad times came from Lily, which is fun to write, because I can only imagine her reading this in the future and the indignancy she will glean from it.

Our marquee event for the evening was playing a bit of footy. Tonight was not the first time I'd shown them the proper way to kick a ball, but it was the first time they sustained any lasting interest in the task. *Kick* "Yaaaaay!" Repeat. They both took a handful of turns whaling on the ball, launching it a good 18 inches with every kick. Not bad for their weenie little legs. Towards the end, Abby just tried to step on the ball, which at first blush might seem like a regression; however, as all good players know, being able to step on the ball to control its motion is a building block skill.

As fun as the kicking was, I am continually flummoxed by the task of trying to set up the girls to do something together. My quality of life would leap into the stratosphere if only I could set them onto a fun activity they could do in tandem: kick a ball, toss a ball, chase each other, wrestle, play Scrabble, whatever. Their steadfast refusal to understand that they have a fantastic playmate in each other continues unabated. After they both showed interest in kicking the ball tonight, I tried to place them apart from each other and show them that I need not be part of the equation (not that I didn't want to be, of course; just trying to increase the interaction). It didn't work, not for one kick. I think Abby just grabbed the ball and ran, which required some on-the-spot mollification when accusations of thievery began to fly.

Day two hundred and seventy three.

Little peeker.

Love the hair.

Love the lips. And the crumbs.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We are at a stage where we no longer smile for the camera

Lily practicing for the catwalk in her daddy's shoes.

Dave is asleep on the couch. Apparently he has been fighting off sleep all day but fatigue finally won out. I don't have the heart to wake him up to do the blog again (I have to do it a lot).

The girls were a predictable mix of pleasant and "god-help-us she must get that from your side of the family". The latter was mainly Lily--what a shock. Some of you loyal readers are probably thinking by now that Lily is a hellion that you never ever want to babysit. There are moments when this is true. However, the beautiful thing about Lily is that she is all big emotions--she does nothing small. So while this fact might make tantrums and cranky moods difficult to deal with, it also means that she loves big, shares big (the girl is all about sharing with Abby--whenever she's not stealing from Abby), cuddles big, and laughs big. When she's not refusing to do something or not to do something, she's polite and sweet and empathetic. I hope you're getting that from the blog and not just that she's a handful (which she is of course).

Abby was in her element tonight--surrounding herself with multiple toys that make music and playing them all simultaneously. Our little DJ.

Why are you taking my picture? Feed me!

Lily had a complete and total breakdown at dinner tonight. It lasted awhile. She was finally happy when she got to sit at the dining room table and eat at the table with us. It took way too long to figure that out.

Abs playing her sad face/ happy face game.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mornings...for the birds?



Lily came apart this morning. Bloody murder, from the moment we brought her downstairs until I literally wrestled her into her car seat. I don't know why, but we have a hypothesis: she is not a morning person. I think she just needs more time to wake up to the concept of another day. As it is, we get them up around 7, bring them down, get them dressed, have some milk, and it's out the door by 7:30. This is likely a schedule too accelerated by far for her. That's unfortunate, because the solution will entail us getting up earlier, and I'm not thrilled with that idea.

When I got her in the car finally, I decided to throw in some kids' music, because nothing could make her worse by that point (oh, she was unglued). As soon as the music began, she was a clam. When the first song was over, a mighty, "Yaaaay!" came from the backseat, and on its heels came forth a, "More?" And that was it. The day care drop off was business as normal, her totally happy with being there.

I think she just likes to sleep in. Which makes things difficult, since (of course, knowing our luck) Abby tends to get up a bit early.

Tonight, the girls were good. I bailed early to go play soccer, but Jen said it was smooth sailing into the sea of night night. Abby played a fair bit of "hide and seek" with me, where she would pretend to leave the room for a second, then come back and shriek at me and bury her head in my legs. Cute stuff. Lily tried to stop Jen from cutting Abby's nails because it was hurting her, and also tried to console her later because she was upset.


Day two hundred and seventy one.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quiz Time

The zombie parenting technique.

I thought it would be nice, since I am in fact writing this blog to the girls-in-the-future (oooh, future girls, hello from the past!), that I do a little post about us, their parents. There are times, usually when I'm singing to the girls or dancing in front of them like a fool, that I wonder, "Did my parents do stuff like this? What were they like when I was a youngster?"

So, in the interest of capturing our present selves for the girls, here's a random quiz I pulled off the internet. Sure, it's kind of a lazy-post vanity project. Meh.


Are you a morning or night person?
D - I am more of a night person, but I am always awed by the small hours of the day
J - I think I'm transitioning right now from night, forced into being a morning person, not by choice.

Which do you prefer, sweet or salty foods?
D - Salty.
J - Sah-weeet.

What was your favorite childhood television program?
D - Well, childhood is such a broad term...I had 18 years of television watching. I'd say the most impactful show was Mystery Science Theater 3000, but that was more high school.
J - Cosby Show, Punky Brewster, Carol Burnett, and the Golden Girls. Okay, not the Golden Girls at all.

Are you a collector of anything?
D - Debt
J - Used to collect elephants (not the real ones)

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
D - Seagull (every person I know hates this answer, but it would be a situation where you get to fly, swim, fish, eat junk food, and crap on tourists. How could anyone NOT want to be a seagull?)
J - Cat (sleep, eat, sleep)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
D - Is "being really good at hockey" a superpower? If not: I'd dig invisibility.
J - The gift of flight coupled with no fear of heights.

What is usually your first thought when you wake up?
D - "Oof."
J - "Abby, go back to sleep."

What's your favorite color?
D - A color that means the complete lack of having to ever answer this question.
J - Redish black.

What's your favorite animal?
D - The mighty yak.
J - Elephant

Do you believe in ghosts?
D - I believe there is just one ghost, named Carl.
J - I think Carl has a wife named Jane.

Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)?
D - Bloons! It's like crack.
J - Bloons, yeah, played it constantly when the kids were newborns.

You're given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on?
D - Pie.
J - Student loans.

Have any bad habits?
D - I used to enjoy being a casual liar, but I've stopped. Or have I?
J - I used to believe everything my husband said, but I've stopped.

Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy?
D - Is poor grammar a habit? Too late, it's out there.
J - Bad drivers

List 3 of your best personality traits:
D - Humility, humor, curiosity.
J - Funny, strong, caring

List 3 of your worst personality traits:
D - I don't believe in bad traits.
J - Obsessive, lazy, can't think of a third. (too lazy)

Have any celebrity crushes?
D - Currently, I think Zooey Deschanel might be at the top of that list.
J - John Cusack. Val Kilmer.

Any tattoos or piercings?
D - Nope
J - Ears pierced, used to have a tongue piercing.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
D - England or New Zealand or Fargo
J - Stockholm or wherever Dave is

List 5 goals on your life's to-do list:
D - Write that novel, own a sandwich shop, learn to surf, start an insipid blog.
J - Finish school, get a good job, raise my kids to be happy and healthy, love and support Dave, be happy.

Name 1 thing you love about being an adult:
D - I go to Target whenever I want!
J - Realizing how right my parents were when they'd say "you'll thank me when you're older" when I was a kid.

What's your favorite song of the moment?
D - Right at this very second, "Dear God" by Monsters of Folk.
J - Although I love music, I've never been one to have a favorite song--I can't choose just one.

What's your favorite song of all time?
D - Desperado. No, no....this questions is stupid, I can't pick one song.
J - See previous answer, I can't choose just one.

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?
D - Beat Jen at cribbage.
J - Cheer Dave on during that rare occasion that he actually wins.

What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
D - Be outside, go for a bike ride, go swimming.
J - Stay in my PJs, read the paper, and drink my coffee before starting the day. This has gone the wayside a little since having the kids.

Have any hidden talents?
D - No. Nor do I have any public ones, either.
J - No, and if I did, I'd keep them hidden. Hence the term 'hidden'.

What would be your dream job?
D - Writer
J - One that pays

Name 1 thing not many people know about you:
D - I like to randomly lie down and look at the stars when the mood strikes me.
J - I might not seem it, but I'm pretty shy.

If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
D - Melvin.
J - Who spends their time thinking about this? I have no idea.

Do you believe in the afterlife?
D - I believe Howie Mandell is involved, yeah.
J - I do.

Day two hundred and seventy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The return of night class.

Caught, red/blue/green/orange/yellow/brown handed.

Tonight marked Jen's return to what will likely prove to be her last night class. Rather than take care of the kids like a proper parent, I jumped all over my sister's offer to come over and help. I'm not sure she even had the offer out of her mouth when I was asking her when she could be here. Aunt Tracey is good like that.

The Harpies were really quite pleasant tonight, real peaches the both of them. Pre-dinner was a bonanza of coloring activity. Lily did some good work on the paper and on her hand. Abby put a pretty good amount of work trying to fill in the circles I drew. She eventually grew a little bored, though, and would simply say, "All done!" every time I'd hand her a marker, then she would pick another one, I'd open it for her, she would hold it for 3 seconds, say "All done!" and this would repeat.

One of my favorite moments of the night came around dinner. The girls were swarming me while I tried to make grilled cheese, which was hilarious and dangerous as all get out. To placate them, I gave them a piece of cheese (because what better food object to lead a grilled cheese sandwich than...another piece of cheese? Hooray for variety!). Lily dropped her cheese after a few moments, so the dog pounced messily onto it and it was quickly no longer. Lily's reaction was awesome: she burst into a top-of-the-lungs wail (actually so heartfelt it was soundless for the first few seconds, her mouth agape and wet with instant-tears. How do kids get so many tears so fast?), but she also began at the same time frantically making the 'more' sign with her hands. Maybe I'm not describing it well, but it was absurdly cute/hilarious/heartbreaking: her head thrown back, face twisted in abject agony, little pinched fingers coming together pleading for more. I'll never get rid of that vision.

The rest of the night was equally entertaining. The girls were mostly giggles for Aunt Tracey, Abby showed off her reading skills, Lily showed off her laughing, and it was all a breeze thanks to her coming over to help.

Who's up for next Monday?

Day two hundred and sixty nine.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daylight savings time, you and I are done.

Here is the next installment of our twice-annual themed family photo. It did not go smoothly. It probably won't go smoothly for at least a couple years. Maybe I'll photoshop some happier kids in here.

I remember quite clearly when resetting the clocks back during autumn was cause for celebration - a welcome extra hour for sleeping off a hangover before I would eventually have to hunker down over some aerodynamics homework.

The arrival of kids on the scene has eradicated this purely, wholesomely innocent joy of fall. Kids, of course, do not get the whole concept behind daylight savings time, don't get the whole "extra hour of sleep" benefit, cannot comprehend how best to utilize this oddity of timekeeping. They have acted, in fact, like nothing unusual happened at all, waking up at their exact same time (minus one hour), then looking quizzically at me while I climbed onto a chair to set our wall clocks back. So really, it's the same exact day, just knocked back an hour. If anything, it's actually become a hinderance, a pain, since the onus is on us to reset our kids' circadian rhythms back to a normal cycle. Damn you, Daylight Savings and Loan!

Today we had a nice little fall fun day outside. We played in the leaves a bit (stress the "bit" part), and the girls played whiffleball for the first time. Abby seemed quite taken with the concept, and seemed to relish the tactile satisfaction of bonking the ball across the yard. During nap, Jen and I trudged back outside to rake and prepare our sprawling estate for the wintertime. Ah, wintertime. It's on the way.

Day two hundred and sixty eight.

Lily stands tall, "raking" the leaves.

I rather like this one, thanks Jen. (ah yes, I haven't disclosed yet that I'm growing a beard. Now you know. I'll get a better picture soon.)

Such concern. It's okay, Abs. We'll get those leaves up.