9:20 pm. We had a bottle. A bath was taken. Books were read and chewed upon. Eventually Abby and Daddy break down and watch Office reruns on TBS and play with the bulb while waiting for the urge to slumber.
While I obviously don't favor one of my kids over the other - what kind of monster would I be? - I think I'd be fooling myself by not admitting that, on certain days, one kid definitely wins. This win can come by many different manners, and more often than not it's not really the fault of the "loser"; that's what makes it so bittersweet. Just like life. It also makes my job of declaring a victor very awkward. There is never a deliberate thrust during the day to tally up my kids' plusses and minuses. Usually there is just one of those amazing and very finite moments where a particularly sweet moment of snuggling makes me think, "Oh yeah. It's a Lily day," or, "Abby wins Tuesday."
Today was quite a horse race. I should note that my points system is arbitrary and will hold up in a court of law.
I picked up just Lily at daycare because Abby was home sick. She crawled to me me, I scooped her up, snuggled with her for a second, and she totally gave me a super sloppy kiss. It was awesome. Thinking it was a fluke, I asked for another kiss a minute later and she gave me another one. Lily 11, Abby 0.
Later that night Jen wheeled Abby in the high chair to the kitchen doorway so she could watch me as I cooked dinner. Apparently Abby likes to watch me cook, as I was serenaded with many "Gaaaahhhs" and "Boooooohs" and laughs. Lily 11, Abby 7.
Lily shared her toys with me without asking. And she was completely smiley when I was taking photos of her. Lily 41, Abby 7.
Abby stayed up 2 hours past her bedtime. This normally would warrant a steep deduction. However she was totally awesome the whole time. We read a few books, she danced at the table, played a couple games, then watched tv. Lily 41, Abby 34.
There are still a few minutes left in the day, so it might not be over, but it's essentially a tie, despite what the final tally might be. It was a good day. Maybe I can let them both win today.
I feel like I should mention that - even though I had a banner day with the kids - Jen had to pick up Abby from day care because she had a fever, and afterwards spent some time dealing with a seriously cranky little kid. Props to Mommy.
Also: Jen and I have just become aware that Chuck Norris is 69 years old. We are amazed...he looks so good. Walker. Good times.
Day twenty three.
Abby freshly home and feverish from day care.

That's right...I kissed this girl today.
She's down to a single finger while walking, and even that is lightly held. We think she'll be soloing shortly.