Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Flex Spending...the working man's $20 bill in the long lost jeans pocket.

Bill the Cat?

Us denizens of the Gels household are procrastinators of varying degrees (me = horrible, Jen = manageable); thus, our paperwork for flex spending reimbursement normally goes out once a year. Today, I got my check, which was a whopping $4k and change. Now, I realize this is my money in the first place - tax free, which is nice - but I can't shake the feeling that I've just won some sort of prize. Trumping the pathos of this kneejerk mental reaction to getting my own money back is the fact that I'm more than willing to let my brain carry on with the illusion. From here on out, that money is NOT mine, it IS a windfall, and I DIDN'T already blow it all on daycare.

I'm always frustrated that, every time we find ourselves at the pediatrician for the girls regular tune-up (with free wheel rotation), months of cumulative questions that I've squirreled away for our doctor always evaporate in a puff of parental idle-mindedness. I am therefore writing down the question I have come up with over the past couple days: why do our kids crank out poopy diapers like an assembly line when they are suffering from scathingly bad rashes? Is this a cause/effect thing? Either way, linger outside our back door for longer than 40 minutes and you will be privvy to our clockwork delivery of another steaming ball of poo. It's uncanny.

Abby's already been up tonight for a change. She was so cute and patient about it, and totally calm about all the pain I caused her for the wiping. Tough little monkey. Lily, I'm sure we'll get her by midnight.

On another note, Lily has started randomly calling us "Mom" and "Dad". Guess she's growing up?? Should we just go straight to "mother" and "father"? I command respect, Lily! I'm gunning for the Captain von Trapp school of rearing. It will be "Sir" or it's off to bed without your porridge.

Day two hundred and eighty one.

Abby took this. Technically.

Saddest picture of her I've seen in a while.

Lounge time. I like that you can tell she's laughing by the eyes. Also notable is the fact that I'm not amused in the freaking slightest by whatever we're looking at, yet she finds it hilarious. Maybe it was a Jim Carrey movie?

1 comment:

  1. After reading your blogs for months I am officially a "follower". I heard Abby is sick today? I hope she gets better soon!

    -Sam V
