Thursday, June 25, 2009

The wee babbling soother girl

Lily in a bonnet, also known as her pants.

Abby was ready for bed early tonight. We hadn't been out of the bath for more than a few minutes when she started whimpering a bit and getting snuggly. Sensing a compacted timeline, I hustled to get them changed and jammied up, after which Abby crawled a few feet away and collapsed face down on the floor.

This was cute. Her tiny little body was obviously just about ready to retire, her legs curled up under her, hands up with her head resting on them, little eyelids struggling so hard to stay open.

Lily walked over and stood over her for a moment. We were ready for something well-meaning but bad, like her hitting Abby over the head with a book. That's her take on sharing; she hits people upside the noodle with things.

Instead, Lily crouched down and proceeded to pat Abby gently on the back, then stroke her back a bit. Some of it was clumsily hard, and I'm not sure that Abby was totally in love with it, but she tolerated it. Then Lily got right down to ground level and babbled oh-so-quietly to Abby, just a gentle little stream of babbly consciousness. This lasted about a minute, until she was distracted by the sound of my heart exploding.

There was more to the day - some good, some bad, as always - but why don't we just focus on this one tiny slice of awesomeness and call it good?

Day one hundred and thirty.

ps. bah, I can't find the time for new pictures lately. I may very well have already posted this; if so, terribly sorry.

Abby checks the bin for more legos.


Monkey feet. Now that I think of it, I think I have already done this. Oh well.

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