Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Someone please tell me the difference between vomit and spit-up.

Abby threw up for the first time tonight, possibly. We're not sure exactly. Well, we're definitely certain that she did hurl a fair amount of matter out her mouth, but what's fuzzy is our differing definition of "spit-up" vs. "vomit". Jen thinks this was her first official vomit, which begs the question what the hell the difference is between that and a spit-up? I'm confused.

And now - I apologize for the digression here - I find out that we have unique ideas as to what a good time frame for getting laid off is...I say two weeks is the norm, and she is of the mind that anything over 2 minutes is gravy. This is an in-joke from about 15 minutes ago, but I'm tired and she'll like it.

Back to the Abbygator's health issues. Yet again, Jen and I disagree here: she thinks she's sick and has had a cough for weeks, while I think she's fine and believe her cough to be barely perceptible and infrequent. I don't think I'd be understating to say that the vomit episode tonight did a whole lot for Jen's case. Poor little monkey. It was an impressive sight, actually; Jen had just fed her a nighttime bottle around 7:15, and out of nowhere she just let loose all over Jen's chest. Sploosh. Quicker than I could, she had her down on the carpet, but not before Abby threw up a bit again, which was alright because our beagley little carpet cleaner went to work on it straight away.

It was a lot of excitement, but it ended quickly and happily. Jen took her up to the bathroom for some cleansing, and from downstairs I could hear her cries turn abruptly to laughter - I found later that this is when Jen hoisted her in front of the mirror. That kid just loves herself. We fretted that it might be a long night, but haven't heard from her yet, and I'll hate myself later for jinxing it.

I didn't get the camera out until after bedtime, so here are some random photos from tonight:

This speaks volumes on our own current philosophies on time management. It's not like we live in squalor; yet, some things fall through the cracks. I found these guys in dry storage, and that onion, oh dear...I'm actually really impressed with it. I swear, we haven't had it for that long.

I never took a shot of us fixing the nightly phalanx of bottles, so here is a representation of just that. 3 for each kid for day care the next day, plus 1 extra, plus 2 for each overnight. At times we'd still need to make another ad hoc bottle deep into the night.

Jen typing away on something. I'm intrigued because she earlier asked me, "If Chipotle was an animal, what animal would it be?" The mysteries of MBA school abound!

I have to geek out here and mention that I took that last shot hand-held at a 1/3" shutter speed, 200 ISO, and 62 mm focal length, but with a VR lens. I'm a big fat proponent those things now. Not to say it's a good shot - or even a passably interesting one - but it's nice to not worry as much about camera shake. Joy.

Day ten.


  1. ISO 200 in low light.....Ballsy

  2. I'm not a doctor, but here's my take on vomit vs. spitup: Vomit is high-volume, noxious-smelling belly contents. Spitup is the re-emergence of recently eaten stuff, maybe with some stomach acid thrown in. Vomit is from being sick or poisoned; Spitup is the result of kids not knowing to stop when their tank has been topped off. Think of spitup as what happens when you shoot a smokin' goal in fooseball and then the ball pops back out of the goal. Same thing, but with milk.

    -Steve G
