Saturday, February 28, 2009

I have a perfect new place for Abigail storage.

We tried and failed last night to camp out in the family room with the girls. It seemed like a foolproof idea: we'd get home, lay down on the futon mattress I'd thrown in front of the tv, and sleep all over one another in cozy comfort. Abby, however, found this new environment irksome, and Lily deemed it utterly unacceptable. She bawled like mad, and we gave in after just a few minutes of trying. You can tell sometimes when it's not going to get better.

Of course, it would've been a shame to waste a perfectly placed futon mattress, so we watched crappy tv and fell asleep in a room that wasn't our bedroom, and that for us is monumental excitement.

The real benefit of the mattress came this morning; the kids love playing on it, and I can't help but enjoy having my floor turned into a large pillow. It's a delightful obstacle, and Abby seemed to quite enjoy rolling around on it.

At one point Abs was briefly unsupervised and I heard the loud thud that can only be a baby's head hitting something hard. I paused, waiting the 5 seconds for a shrieking cry (not sure what it says about me as a father that I, when faced with this, opted to wait to see how bad it was instead of simply walking over to see what's happened). Hearing nothing, I investigated to find this:

I'm not sure if the picture does it justice (by the way, I should note that these pictures can be clicked on for full size), but she was snugly wedged between the mattress and the coffee table. She thought it was awesome. I do love that kid.

A few more random pictures from our evening:

Our house at night with a bright star and moon. I had to use the car to stablize the camera for the long exposure, figuring I'd crop it out later, but now I think I like the reflection.

Jen acting goofy over at Steve and Joy's house.

Minh made lavender creme brule. Delicious goodness.

Day thirteen

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