Saturday, October 10, 2009

Laugh. Stare. Repeat.

Our offspring, Ver. 1.0

Offspring, Ver. 2.0

You know that feeling when you launch into what is intended to be a funny anecdote and, after a mere nine words, there is a sudden and chilling realization that what you are saying is not remotely funny or interesting in any way? Most of my life is spent treading somewhere near or right in the middle of that feeling. I only say this because it's happening to me right now.

Jen and I have this running joke that's not really a joke at all, but rather one of those silly things that couples do (I think?) to make each other laugh. Every so often we will fake laugh at each other in a dramatic, over the top fashion, then abruptly stop to glare for a few seconds, then repeat. I think we might have borrowed it from a Simpson's episode. It is hilarious and I recommend it for any couple who are as strange or moreso than us.

At some point today, Jen managed to get Abby to do this with her. This seems mind-bogglingly advanced for her (Abby, not Jen), and I was honestly kind of impressed; you could tell Abby was geniunely fake laughing. Right along with Jen, she would laugh for a few seconds, then totally scrunch up her face and leer at her from under her eyelids. I couldn't help but join in. Shortly, all four of us were doing this.

This is highlight reel material.

Day two hundred and forty six.

- Zombie Abby


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