Saturday, September 26, 2009


How not to look at the monkeys.

Lily has learned the word "more" a little too well. Currently, if Lily needs anything at all or wants anything she can't get, we hear her meek little, "More?" come wafting across the room. Always with the sign, too; she's aces at that. For example: this morning, she was buckling the stroller straps. This activity gives her endless amounts of pleasure. Lacking the dexterity to undo the buckles, she asked Jen for help.

"Mooore?" she wailed.

Jen walked over. "Do you mean 'help'?"

"Heeee-eelp?" she corrected herself.

Jen undid the buckles and walked away. A few seconds later came this:

"Thaank you."


Today we went to CostCo. I'm starting to realize that CostCo is a pretty shady place and has some fairly above average prices for a lot of things. But cruising the place with the girls and letting them sup the samples is a nice cheap way to get my kids fed, so put one in their win column for that.

After lunch/nap, we went to the Como Zoo. I like the como zoo. They have an ostrich that sits there for hours pecking at the fence. They have puddles for splashing. They have giraffes, which are just awesome no matter how many times you see them. The girls went mental a couple times, but the important thing is that they both recognized the animals and seemed to actually enjoy pointing at them and laughing. Lily tried pointing out the animals to other park goers, which won her some fans but no tip money.

Abby seemed to especially love the aquariums, but I'm not sure if it was for the fish or the simple sapphire spectacle of water behind glass. Meh...whatever makes her happy.

Day two hundred and twenty two.

Abby peeping at some fishies.

Puddles! May have been water, maybe zebra pee runoff...who cares when it's this fun!?

Ostriches...the most untrustworthy of all the beasts?
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