Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lifting kids up can be dangerous to their hairline.

While changing Abby today, Lily wandered into the general area. I didn't really think she was that close, until I pulled Abby up from her lying position and heard her cry, and realized that Lily was actually standing on her hair. Oddly, there was zero resistence when I pulled her up. Still: how bad do I feel? Lots.

We headed to Target today. This isn't really interesting in itself, but something funny did happen in the bathroom. We were about to check out and head home, but with 2 cups of coffee coursing through my veins, I decided to head to the bathroom. Leaving Jen to check out, I brought the girls with me. Fun things always result from this arrangement.

We headed into the family bathroom. Considering the looming task of potty training, I figured this would be a great intro. I wheeled them into a good viewing position. I went potty, narrating the whole thing as it happened ("This is how to put the seat up and down", "This is the toilet bowl," etc.). As soon as I started going, they burst out laughing.

After I was done, there was a moment of quiet. Lily looked up at me.


"No honey, it doesn't work like that."

That I could stretch this story into a full blog post speaks volumes about how exciting our day was. Sundays can be lazy like that.

Day two hundred and twenty three.

Pout monkey.

Sprint monkey.

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