Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Best five I've ever gotten.

Tonight, Jen was unfortunately absent for another school-related thingamajib. The girls, sensing my fantastic vulnerability, took it relatively easy on me.

Two moments from the night that stuck out.

Lily came to the gate while I was in the kitchen, asking for a couple of pretzels. It should be known that we feed our kids most of the normal bar fare. So I forked over a couple pretzel sticks, and, trying to coax some manners from her, said, "Thank you! Say, 'Thank you'!"

Lily didn't respond, but from around the corner and 26 feet away, I heard Abby - barely audible yet unmistakable - say, "Baank yooo."

The other:

Lily kept climbing on and off the stroller. When she did it the first time without help, I screamed, "Yay!" and asked her to slap me five. She politely declined. The next 10 times she climbed on and jumped off, I asked for five and she said no. Eventually, I lost interest, stopped asking, and concentrated on something Abby was doing.

Out of nowhere, Lily walked over, pried my hands into a flat surface, slapped me five, then forcibly curled it back into a closed position.

Bossy? Yes. Cute as hell? Oh yeah.

Day two hundred and nineteen.

Saddest girl at the ball.

Funniest girl on the porch.

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your blog. I don't read it every day, but whenever I do, I end up reading about 8 screens worth. Good work G. Keep it up.
