Saturday, September 5, 2009

Bbbbrrring. Cackawww! Booooooooooooooop. Hoooooonk. (these are the sounds of canal park. the second one is a seagull)

I took just under 2,000 photos today, but I am in holiday mode and I plum forgot about the blog all day until now, and it's 11:30. Sorry, no photos until tomorrow.

This morning we headed down to canal park. I'm long overdue to drop my backpack at the Duluth Pack store for a zipper fix, so we brought the kids and hung out with them and Grandma and Grandpa. Our timing was perfect for shipping-related sightseeing; right when we got there, the bell sounded and the bridge lifted up into a very foggy sky to let the Tregurtha out. It went back down for only 15 minutes before going up again to let the Presque Isle loose into the great lakes.

The fog was very funky, and seeing the ships all dark and looming lumber out of the bay was kinda unique, even for us Duluth natives. Of course, the kids seemed not to notice much, what with all the seagulls and rocks as distractions.

We tried swimming with the girls post afternoon nap, but whereas the water was rather pleasant when I dove in at 1, it was rather chilly by the time 4:30 rolled around. So they weren't having it. Play time was substituted nicely.

Marj made a fantastic dinner as always. Afterwards, Jen beat me soundly and honorably at Scrabble.

Photos tomorrow, I swear.

Day two hundred and two.

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