Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Video post...exciting stuff.

As promised, I finally got some video up. There was a lot, so I clipped it down to just a couple minutes or so.

It is not to be mistaken for Citizen Kane, landmark cinema though it may be.

As also promised, I'll just go with the video and quit with the jibber jabber. Enjoy!

Day one hundred and seven.


  1. I am on the hotel computer and could not hear the video, but just watching the images made me cry. Thank you so much for putting up video, you made my whole day! The girls look like whole new people, and watching Abs desperately search for her belly button made me laugh hysterically. Can't wait to come home!

  2. They are beautiful girls. I love starting my day with them! Now, I have to wake up two bigger kids who are also very cute. Why does watching your video make me want to kiss my kids? Whatever works!
