Monday, June 1, 2009

Coooooooonaaaan O Briiiiiiiiiiien

Sooooy Saaaauce!

Sorry, short one tonight, as it's crept up on 10:30 and I want to watch Conan's first monologue and then leap eagerly betwixt the sheets. Olly is already up there, waiting for me. So is Guinness, but I think he's just there to torture the dog.

Day two of "Daddy Screwing up the Girls for Life" went well. It's hard to mess a weekday up, busy as it might be. The morning went smoothly, but all because of getting up early, that was the keystone to my fatherly plan. I was showered, dressed, caffeinated, and even cerealed (oh yes, it's a verb now) before any peeps were peeped. The rest just came together; some dressedy-goop and milkedy-blah, and off we bounced into the morning.

Tonight, I skipped ECFE. I'm not sure why it took me so long to come to the conclusion that that was the right decision, because it is so apparent to me now. I just don't get anything out of it, yet I was feeling obligated all day, like I should go, like I owed it to the volunteers and parental peers. That it was the very last class weighed heavily on the decision. In the end, the thought of another hour spent sipping bad tea and munching mysterious snacks was too painful a fate to bear.

Instead, I called up my Dad, and he played a pivotal part in smoothing the fabric of the night. And I think Lily and Abby are starting to enjoy him a lot, so he gets a win for that.

I'm finding the very first few minutes of Conan to be solid. You go, Conan. But really, Will Farrell? Bah. Well. He's alright. They coulda done better, though. Off to watch the monologue..

Day one hundred and five.

Ahh! Oh, Abby, you scared me. Sheesh.

Lily likes to transfer the pacimafier in such ways.

Abby stretching/coughing.

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