Our philosophy on toilet training is that we have no philosophy yet. We need to get a philosophy. If you have a philosophy to sell/rent/barter, please let us know. I imagine it will involve some sort of schedule and stickers and a chart for progress-keeping and reward-giving, but we still have yet to hammer out the details. For the time being, it is a scattershot approach of generally saying positive things about the potty ("Daddy loves every minute of being on the potty!"), encouraging them to sit on the potty when the spirit moves them, and gently stroking the potty to show that it is indeed a friendly beast.
Tonight Lily and I were in the bathroom. I asked if she wanted to go potty, and she said yes. So I took off her pants ("Pantss!") and her diaper ("Poooopy!") and plopped her on the crazy seat. She was on for a couple minutes - we made some idle chit chat - when out of nowhere she actually peed. First. Time. Ever. How sweet it was to hear that tinkle. We praised her appropriately, and she seemed to understand that this was indeed a happy occassion. So, I think that's it, right? Should we buy some underwear and call it good? Or is there more to it?
On the Abby front, her teacher came over today and it was decided that she's doing awesome enough (my words) that she is going to be done with her individual education plan. She's meeting all her developmental goals and milestones like a champ, and so now they just do observations every so often instead of class once a week. That's fantastically cool news, and it's nice to have outside objective opinions on her progression.
Now to get her into some music and vocal lessons.
Day three hundred and fifty nine. (6 days. 6 days is very short. I hope you've found other blogs to follow by now....)
Notice they are wearing matching coats. Notice it!!! These come courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa, always looking for an opportunity to spoil the kids (they're grandparents, it's what they do)
notice that there are tiiny hearts on the coats - makes them early valentine presents - and they are abby soft and lily purple. grandma is always thinking.....i will miss the blog.
ReplyDeleteToilet training at our house was kind of haphazard. I waited until they were ready, and they were out of diapers in time for preschool when they had to be. They knew they had to be so I guess that was enough incentive. We didn't do stickers or candy or anything. There were a few incidents such as absconding from Gertens after depositing a puddle on the carpet, but who remembers that? Oh, then there was that boardwalk incident...