Jen abandoned me for a bit of the night to pay a visit to friends Jess and Miles who had twin boys recently. Twins! They're crazy. That left me home alone with these two, who are also twins, yet differ in height by almost 8 inches.
Some highlights from the day include:
- According to Jen, she was changing Lily when Abby walked by, lost her footing (or toeing, since she primarily walks on her toes like an ungulate) and fell flat across Lily's midsection. Lily's response? "You okay Abby?"
How insane is that!?
- After an absurdly pleasant night with the girls, they were dressed and ready for bed. Abby was playing in their "kitchen" and babbling quietly, while I was in the other room, around the corner. "Okay girls, two minutes until night-night," I bellowed. Abby fell dead silent; her talking ceased and the clatter of dishes was muted. Then I heard, "Pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat..." and saw her tear around the corner, beeline straight into my crotch, look up at me and say, "Night night?" I bent down, gave her a big hug, and asked, "Are you ready for night night?"
"Yah!" she said.
Cuteness to the brink of insanity.
When I brought them up, everything was kosher, until Lily became suddenly agitated. "Peach plum? Peach plum?? Peach plummm!?!?" she kept repeating.
Her current favorite book is called, 'Each Peach Pear Plum'. Luckily it was in her crib, and I gave it to her, and she said, "Peeaaach plummmmmm..." in this luxurious 'Aahhhh' type of voice.
Earlier (I'm all chronologically akimbo) I asked if the girls wanted to get in their jammies. Lily started screaming, "Jammies!? Jammies!" I said, "Yup, that's right. The moon is up, it's getting late, let's get ready to celebrate, it's pajama time!", which every parent knows is the first line to 'Pajama Time'. In the time it took me to then walk the 13 feet to the living room, Abby had sprinted to the book basket and procured our copy of said book, and ran it over to me. "Jamma time!" she said.
Day three hundred and fifty one (14 more! 14 bloggity nights!)
When we peeked at the blog earlier, Fionna said, "Mom, the last time I saw Abby and Lily, they were in carseats." She meant the bucket seats that we carried! It has been too long. Would love to see you and your three beauties soon. Love, Kee