Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The dastardly peek.

A couple leftover shots from the Conservatory last weekend. I had to use a really fast shutter speed to get the sloth...he's speedy.

Last night, our little peek in on the girls went horribly awry. It was a bizarre sequence of events.

We opened the door and crept in, like we have so many times with no hiccups. Jen was in about three steps, and I'd just started to cross the threshold, when Lily SPRUNG HER TRAP! (exciting, no?) She leapt to her feet and yelled, "Mommy! Daddy!" I think there might have been an, "Olly!" in there too, maybe; I forget.

We both knew it was only a matter of time until the peek would backfire tragically on us. I can only guess that Lily was already up, and completely silent...waiting...waiting. Her little ambush was so sudden and lucid, she had to already have been up.

Knowing better than to even flirt with the idea of holding her and putting her back to bed - she was wiiide awake - we dragged her onto our bed and gave her some milk. It was nice, but she was fidgety and hyper, and we were preoccupied trying to process why this was happening to us.

Before long, Abby started a little whining and chattering over the monitor. After a few minutes, it had gotten worse, and worse, and then she suddenly burst out in a wailful, soulful, painful cry. Admitting defeat, we went and got her and brought both of the morons downstairs.

Not to spoil the ending, but it must have been gas. Abby was miserable, she would writh and scream in pain, tears streaming, for a good few minutes, inconsolable, then she'd be okay. After a couple of these, I started to notice that she would emit a barely-audible toot right before she returned to normal, and we had an "a-ha" moment.

Oddly, Lily was just as, if not more, gassy. She had some memorable toots. But in contrast to her sister, she thought it was hilarious. Maybe the gassy bug doesn't make her tummy hurt. Abby was in serious pain.

After 40 minutes or so, they both settled down and we brought them back to bed, vowing to never again peek in on the kids.

Day three hundred and thirty one.

Leftover photos...enjoy!

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