Friday, January 1, 2010

2010, I'm just going to stay in the house if that's alright with you.

Lily...our little climber

2010. It feels so's like living in the future.

Jen went out tonight at 8pm to meet some people from school, which is unfortunate because she broke the streak of the Gels family not leaving the house for the entirety of the new year. Up until her departure, we'd spent the whole year in the house. The whole year!

We considered going sledding today, but it was just wicked cold. Seeing that you're flirting with disaster sledding with 22 month olds anyway, we thought we'd pass on that, which is depressingly unadventurous of us. Instead we played with toys, sang some songs, danced a lot. I enjoyed listening to the Current's top 89 countdown again. I can't say I was surprised that "Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magentic Zeroes was number one, but that doesn't mean I won't be disappointed in the twin cities for voting it so. C'mon,'s just not that good of a song. And Pete Yorn/Scarlett Johanson making the list (up at 59, I might add) is rather unforgivable. Other than that, not a bad list, for the most part.

Also with the new year comes the end of my tenure with Powderhorn365, which is both sad and ultimately relieving. Like the relief that will come at the end of this blog (which will be so sweet), it is nice to know that I won't have to try and spend part of every Saturday prowling for unwitting citizens to photograph. On the other hand, I will sorely miss having a valid excuse to approach strangers, meet them, shoot them, and spend some time getting to know them. It's been a very enriching experience in every way; even the frustrating days when I was short on inspiration and irritable at the chore of drumming something up, those were fine learning experiences. They taught me how annoying it is to be irritable and creative at the same time, so I should just cheer up already before going out shooting.

I think tomorrow we're going to leave the house. The girls are starting to look like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Even I take the hint when Lily puts on her jacket and mittens and hat and says, "Car?" So we're thinking the zoo might be a good destination. It's warm, there are animals, and it already smells like poop, so we'll blend right in.

Day three hundred and nineteen.



1 comment:

  1. Had to take to kids to the zoo today to get them out of the house!
