Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life at the warm end of the duck

Lily. Mommy. Quality.

Bath night again tonight. Jen made a sweet spike out of Abby's hair, something I never seem to be able to do. Bath time is a lot more fun now, as both Abby and Lily are starting to move around the tub but in a psuedo-safe way that is just barely dangerous. Lily tries to climb out every once in a while but, after numerous corrections, she seems to have gotten the hint. Another plus: we can dump lots of water on their heads to soak the hair, and they do not mind. Big positive.

We have roughly 2800 bath toys that get very little attention during baths. Until recently. I found out that I can use the squeezy ones (like Crabby, my favorite) to blow zurburt-style on their white bellies, and they've begun to find it hilarious. Sweet. And my new favorite is a toy watering can that I pour in front of Lily. She watches the stream for a few seconds, then puts her face right into it like it's a shower. I do not tire of doing this, and she doesn't seem to either. So cute. I need to get that on video.

We have strange rubber duckies...I don't think we have one "typical" one, so to speak. One is dressed in horrific drag that offends even the kids, and the other has a thermometer attached to its bum so you can tell the water temp. If you ever have young kids and get a duck with a water thermometer on it, I recommend skewing towards the warm end. It seems like the median or lower end is way too cold. Good tip.

That's about it for the day. Really good day, the kids were great, and I'm bonkers for 'em.

Day twenty four.

Mommy plays with Lily while Abs bounces like the dickens. The dickens, people.

The bouncing. The dickens. She loves being in this thing.

I snapped this shot of Jenner and liked it. She's cute.

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