Friday, December 11, 2009

Applepus! Applebutts!

I have a pet peeve. Get it is. I have a strong dislike for any food production company that uses an anthropomorphic iteration of their product for marketing purposes. Dear god, what twisted mind thinks consumers would prefer to identify with their food before they eat it? Look at that package. I see - and always have, in these cases - three good (and multi-racial...aww!) friends who can talk, love, laugh. They likely have wafery wives and wafery kids back at the factory, but some of them will never see their families again. No. Because we're going to eat them.
M&Ms does this. So does Chips Ahoy, which I believe to be the most egregious offender based solely on the pathos of their dopey spokes-cookies. ("spokes-cookies" is a great word and a great name for a band). These tv spots are especially horrifying, as they present the psuedo-canibalistic consuming of their product as something to find highly amusing. I feel like Charlton Heston at the end of "Soylent Green".
Whew. I feel better. Am I the only person who thinks this way? I still eat all these things, because they're delicious.

The real reason I took that picture (my soliloquy above came after the fact) is to tell a story. It's not a good one, but cute. Grandpa Neil and Grandma Marj had those cookies up in Duluth, and at some point Grandpa gave them to the girls after a meal. They were fans. Thanks to some grandparental goodwill, the cookies then came back home with us. Tonight we gave some to the girls. Lily took a bite, smiled wide, and said, "Grandpa!"

In the Abby corner, she did an entire verse of Head Shoulder Knees AND Toes, all by herself, both the vocal and the gestures! That was huge, and cute, and awesome, and it made my day.

I'm not sure what was up with Lily today, but in general, all day, she was a total goofball. She kept laughing and giggling, sometimes at random things that weren't funny, sometimes at nothing at all. It was hilarious and very contagious.

Random observation of the day: Both the girls love to say "applesauce". Every time we have it, there's some palapable excitement. The amusing thing is that it always comes out as "applepus" or "applebutts". Good stuff. It's fun trying to decode their language. Lily said something to us tonight about 52 times before Jen finally figured out she was trying to tell us that she wanted to throw a kleenex in the garbage. Good thing the kids are patient with us.

I think those are the high points. Both of them were a riot tonight. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them tomorrow, as I'll likely have them for at least the morning by myself. Any thoughts or suggestions from my bloggy crowd? I was considering Christmas shopping, but I'm just not sure I can stomach being in a mall with them by myself.

Day two hundred and ninety eight.


Random playtime.
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1 comment:

  1. Isn't Mr. Koolaid anthropormorphic? What about the McDonald's chicken mcnuggets...remember they had arms and legs in the 80's? I think you have to realize that marketing will prey on anything they have. Its a reflection of our society.
