Friday, December 18, 2009

5 illnesses and counting

Wistfully Abby

I don't know what to say here tonight; one of those days where nothing fantastic or monumental occurred. Just a random day at work and with the family...why do I feel terrible for saying that?

Jen is busy. Fresh from the frantic world of MBAhood, she's now frantically getting us ready for our trip to Ft. Myers. She never gets a break.

I'm busy fighting off my 5th illness of the year. Hooray for parenthood! I couldn't help it, I need to try and comfort those kids when they start hacking up a it my fault I probably give them some careless kisses that just very well might mean I get some of their icky snot on my lips? It'd be ridiculous for me to think I won't get sick when they are. I can't really act surprised. But really....5 times? I feel miserable. When does this end?

I'll have no respite this weekend, as it's the last push of commercialism and lunacy before Christmas. What we have to do, it must get done in the next couple days. Somewhere in there must be a Powderhorn 365 photo and my company Christmas party and probably something else I've forgotten.

Day three hundred and five.

Goofily Lily

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