Friday, October 23, 2009

I did not get Dave sick

Dave is sick. He returned from work after only one hour this morning and spent the day on the couch. Now he is in bed, so I get to blog. I'm going to take the easy way out and make this short, as I am also tired. But not because I'm sick, it's because I did too much today. Dave blamed me on the blog last night for possibly being the reason he's sick, but that is impossible because I have not been sick yet. Exhausted and suffering from a perpetual sinus headache, but not sick.

The girls were super cute tonight. And unlike most nights lately, Lily was the star. She was in a great mood and spent much of the evening sharing with Abs. My favorite moment was when Lily, Dave and I were sitting on the couch, post-bath, pre-bed and Abby came over with a book requesting to sit in Dave's lap for a story. Lily promptly slid off my lap, presumably for a story herself. But instead, she picked up Abby's milk and brought it over to her. Then got back up on my lap with the biggest look of pride on her face. It was so cute. This moment was tied for my favorite with the time when the girls gave one another a big kiss while in the bath tonight. It's also tied with when Lily kept handing Abby the toy cups she was playing with and Abby said a nice loud 'thank you' with no prompting.

I love all the interaction that has been happening between the girls lately. And I love the recent politeness the girls have been exhibiting. I'd like to take credit for their politeness (along with Dave), but I'm afraid we'd also have to take credit for the tantrums, the stealing toys from one another, and the occasional biting. So no credit will be taken, at least not until they are out of the terrible twos, or maybe out of high school and hopefully not biting anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I think you should take credit for Dave's illness, bwa-ha-ha-ha! You didn't know you had such power, did you? Then, maybe next time he'll be more attentive, cheerful, remember your birthday, or whatever he's falling short on. Surely there's something!
