Friday, October 16, 2009

Dinner...not for the weak stomached.

As I was taking a sequence of naked photos (naked kids; not me), Jen and I had a brief discussion as to whether or not some "black boxing" should be done, since the internet is, you know, filled with ne'er-do-wells. Then I came across this lucky shot and a nicely placed arm.
This was right before bathtime. She was excited about bathtime, but less than thrilled about taking the shoes off.

I think we're slowly losing our control of the girls' dining process. Sometimes I wonder if this is by design, as if letting it lapse into anarchy is our subtle way of absolving ourselves of the rigidity of the day. Laziness also comes to mind. Or the simple excuse: this is how toddlers eat.

Lily always wants to eat at their little plastic "big girl" table instead of the high chair. Her hand-eye-mouth-spoon-patience skills - not to mention her grasp of the concept of gravity - are nowhere near good enough for this, but it's fun to let it happen anyway. Tonight we went "big girl" style for some rice and beans. "Big girl" means to throw a spoonful of food towards the general vicinity of your mouth, then watch the dog eat it off the floor.

There are so many more variables at the big girl table, a bevy of freedoms, which is what makes it invariably a messy affair. The girls can turn around on a whim. They can pick up their plates and make them do their bidding. It's a free for all. There is no doubt at least over a pound of cooked spanish rice, and twice as much black beans, now mashed into our dining room carpet.

Like I mentioned, it is fun to watch. The only real downside is the vet bills we'll incur once Olly reaches 80 pounds and we need to get him on hypertension and diabetes medicine.

So I don't usually link/post/share other web-type things here, but I'm going to make an exception tonight. Why? Because I think it will be good for you to know what nightmare I am going to be dreaming tonight over and over and over again. And over.

Let me be a nice guy and preface this by saying that the kid is absolutely, unbelievably fine. The guy at work failed to tell me that, and I thought I'd just watched one of the most horrific deaths ever.


Day two hundred and fifty two.

This kid is human velcro. It's like a bad horror movie...she moves really, really slow, but if she gets you she will not let you go.

Also ready for some bath time.

We decided tooshies are okay for the internet. She is wearing sneakers, after all.

1 comment:

  1. How did you get her clothes off without taking off her shoes?
