Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Video time..

I've already fallen asleep once. I was waiting for YouTube to process my video, but now it's done and now I can do this infernal post and head to the sleep that I so sorely deserved.

Kids are good. Went for a 14 mile ride tonight; it started off very cold, but ended up okay. Biked past a huge house fire on my way home.

Enjoy some video. Curse YouTube for me for taking so long to upload things. Be sure to try and catch the snot bubbles, which are easily the most exciting part of this blog post.

Day two hundred and twenty five.


  1. Susan and I both thank you for the baby fix. We'll take more!

  2. These Abby/Lilly videos seriously make my day!!! I think I watched it 10 times in a row.

