Sunday, September 13, 2009

A list of pros

Two road weary monarch butterflies stop in our yard to freeload off our Mexican sunflower. Apropos, since they are likely headed to Mexico.

Busy day. Hung out in the morning with The Harpies (I had to look up that word just to be sure of its meaning. The word "harpie" is from greek and literally means "that which snatches". Considering their propensity for wrenching objects from one another and causing general mayhem and crying, this then seems like an altogether apt reference.)

Spent the lion's share of the day working on the deck. I got a bit done. We have a step now, so there's no big step/little jump down to the ground. And I got part of the railing up too. Ah, sweet delicious progress.

After the girls' nap, we decided that the beach at Lake Nokomis needed a serious dosage of us, so we headed to the lake. Last trip there, we were squeezed for time and our leaving was not taken well by either of the kids. This time, we decided to go as long as they wanted. This worked out much better. After an hour and a half, they started to show some signs of fatigue (extra hugs, slightly shorter tempers, a handmade banner saying, "Mom. Dad. Enough. We're tired", etc.) and we packed up to not a single cry of protest.

The kids are doing lots of crazy things these days. For the record, here is a concise list of what our kids do that we like:

- Both of them scream "airplane!!!!" whenever one flies over the house.
- Lily knows to say "more" and do the sign when she wants something; however, she usually cries for at least 30 seconds first. It's hilarious when she cries and cries then stops and, in a perfectly normal, ridiculously cute voice says, "more?"
- Abby loves to say "up", "down", "on", "off", amongst many other words. Oddly enough, they both figured out "applesauce" today during dinnertime with no effort from us. We spend hours trying to teach them some words, and they pick up "applesauce" without even trying. Curious.
- Lily continues to run directly away from us in public.
- Oh, and Abby figured out the word "kiss". She doles out kisses with reckless abandon.
- Abby loves wearing shoes. She will often come at us with both of them, whining incessantly, begging to have them strapped onto her dogs.
- Both kids enjoy stealing from the other (see the harpie comments from earlier), but Lily does a fair bit of trying to give Abby things.
- They've learned to say, "Boooongg!" everytime the church bells toll from across the street. They learned that from Daddy.
- Both of them refuse to allow themselves to be videotaped. As soon as that thing comes out, they turn into zombies.
- Abby loves when I sing (she's the only one who likes my singing), and every time I finish a song she yells, "Yaaaay!"
- Lily is scared of the vacuum. Abby goes right for it.
- Lily has started bossing the pets around. This is not going to fly with the animals. She tells the dog "No!" all the time.
- Both kids love to say "No", actually. Come to think of it, I've never heard either of them say yes.
- They've started screaming things at the LeapFrog videos.
- Lily loves to sit in our laps when we sit cross legged on the floor. She will normally stand a couple feet in front of us, then start backing up slowly.

I'm sure there are more, but it's getting late and it's hot as the sun with this laptop on my lap.

Day two hundred and ten.

Another look at the flutterbies

From our walk yesterday.

Coolest. Dad. Yet.

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