Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Karl....kiss the glass.

This might be one of my new favorite photos ever. I love that she did this to me in the first place. Then, when I got the camera to find she'd put her pacifier back in her mouth, I kissed the glass and she did it again on request.
But what makes it a very cool shot (and this was totally unintentional) is that, if you look closely, her pupils are actually totally obscured by the reflection from the glass. What appears to be her pupils is actually my profile against the outside behind me. Kinda sweet.

So yeah, I did a sleep study last night. This came about because I have been absolutely exhausted for the last 8 months. Even if I get a good night's sleep, I wake up to feel like I've been hit by the light rail. It's not good. If it didn't come on so fast, I would just chalk it up to old age. Maybe it is old age. I am getting old; why would it not happen quickly?

The other option might be that I have sleep apnea, since Jen has witnessed me stop breathing during the night on many instances. Plus my dad has it. Plus I grind my teeth at night. I could go on.

The study went well, except that I had a bear of a time actually slipping into lala land. I read for a while, and the nurse technician had the bright idea to tell me that, "...we need you to fall asleep soon to get a good study." Perfect. As anyone can tell you, there's no better way to get someone to fall asleep than by commanding them.

Thanks to the circumstances and roughly 1,300 wires I had hooked up to my body, I didn't sleep too tightly. Today, I'm damn tired.

Jen did a lot with the girls today. I'll speak for her, I have no problem with that. They met friend Jess and her daughter Avery for story time somewhere around Har Mar. I remember this well, as Jen had to call me at work from the road to ask: "Where the hell is Har Mar?" I had to look it up.

After I got home, we walked the kids to the park and hit the playground for a bit. This was a good thing. The slide, the swings, the sand...all major hits. Leaving the playground was the poison pill that almost undid all the good. Granted it was kind of a short trip, but they were not on board the leaving train.

This is the trouble with everything good; it always ends. It's a hallmark of parenting (or at least my bastardized version of it) that I am already planning on how to terminate something good before it is even begun. Maybe that's too negative a thought process. Maybe it's just pragmatic.

Day one hundred and ninety nine.




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