Lest you doubt my dedication to this dastardly blog of mine, this is being typed while kneeling on a hotel bed, in near darkness, muffling my clickity typing while the girls slumber just a few feet away. I'm always surprised that Jen and I can essentially perform sign language to each other when the purpose is to not roust the girls. She mouthes something to me and I know instantly what she's saying. Uncanny.
Lots of people doubted our ability to do this drive. Doubters. Yesterday we drove Minneapolis to Rockford with a small stop in St. Paul to deposit our slobbery beagle into Tobler's gracious home. It was about a 6 hour trip, and it went more or less like clockwork. It might make Andy, my boss, happy to know that we only barely used the DVD player, although the mere fact that we brought one at all seems to have damaged his view of me irreperably.
The second day (today) was (don't go back to) Rockford all the way to Cincinnati, another 6 hours. We aced the day, totally. It was actually a fun drive, the girls were very well mannered, Jen and I played the alphabet game and 20 questions to pass the time AND finished a crossword, so I feel good.
The evening we spent at my Uncle Jerry (my dad's brother) and Aunt Betty's place in Harrison (I think that's officially where we are? Probably?), and got to catch up with most of my Ohioan cousins and peeps. It's good to see the Gels clan again, as we are light hearted folk with a knack for the conversationing.
It's getting later, and I am truly exhausted from this process. Sure it went well, but that doesn't make it any less tiring. Off to bed, tomorrow we shall investigate Cincinnati and all its secrets...
Day one hundred and thirty seven.
While he is definitely against the DVD players, he does not have twin girls, but only had one child to entertain at a time. Fear not, he still holds you in high esteem. Hope Cincinatti is fabulous!