Thursday, July 23, 2009

A wee and worthless posting

Jen amongst the leaves and the hedges.

Lily is hugging Abby now. It started happened again today. This is the culmination of all we've been hoping for in parenthood. We've hit the peak. It's all downhill now. The girls are just the right level of fun and spunky and huggy and snuggly and they are hilarious to be around. It can only get worse.

Lovely outlook, huh?

Well, it's late. Jen and I just returned from a picture party (that sounds vaguely dirty, doesn't it?) with Jen's Scandanavia group, a friendly lot. Much thanks to Jen (different Jen) for babysitting and doing a bang-up job with the girls.

Off to sleep. Tomorrow I'm off for a bachelor party weekend, so Jen's taking the helm for a couple days, the trooper. She's also agreed to take my Saturday photo for, so feel free to check that out and comment on how awesome she is.

Day one hundred and fifty eight.

Always share your giraffe. Words to live by.

Lily in motion

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