Friday, June 5, 2009

Welcome to Insomniaville; population: Abby

Nice little shot of Abby desperately trying to get Klocker's Twins hat off her head. She looked cute in it...sorry I didn't get a shot of it.

Another day, another time for me to trot out some friends and/or family and beg for help with the girls. Today: Erik Tobler and Aaron Klocker, good sports the both of them, and both came with the steely resolves that are requisites in the face of twinly adversity.

The twins were fine. They're always fine. Let's discuss Tobler and Klocker's kid care aptitude: it was off the charts. Somebody should get these guys some kids. No...someone should get them my kids. The girls seemed to thoroughly enjoy their presence at every turn. Thanks to both of them for the aid, and the cooking, and the beer, etc.

Abby decided that 8:00 was far too early a bedtime, and after 30 minutes of voicing her myriad displeasures with the arrangements, we went up and got her. We all went up, and someone pointed out as we crept upstairs that it was very reminiscent of "Three Men and a Baby", and I couldn't help but be sad that, if that metaphor were to be carried out to a conclusion, I would have to be cast as Steve Guttenberg.

Abby poured on the charm and happiness for the next hour or so; she was unstoppably cute and enjoyable, except for one moment. That came when she accidentally put her hand on a toy that made Elmo say, "Beep beep! Coming through!" Elmo said this. Elmo, the most beloved character of my kids' demographic ever. Abby's reaction was awesome: she just bawled, just lost it. I figured, 'Okay, she's getting tired, so we're almost ready for bed.' After 30 seconds she was fine and begging to crawl around the room. This went on until 10. I need to start getting them to bed earlier.

Day one hundred and ten.


The girls look to Klocker for some food related guidance.

The girls look to Tobler for applesauce. Applesauce now, Tobler, NOW!

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