Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Green light...........................Red light!

Sheep mouth.

Every night, Jen and I go peeking. Right before we go to bed, usually in the neighborhood of 10:30, we creep into the girls room and peer at them from above. Is there anything cuter than a sleeping kid? No. There is not.

This covert little operation used to be quite simple; we'd walk in, check 'em out, then leave. Lately, though, the girls - Lily especially - seem to have acquired the sleeping habits of ninjas. We can rarely make it two steps into the room before somebody's head pops up like a little prairie dog. Desperate not to be seen, which would be the end of sleep as we know it, we synchronously collapse to the floor and freeze. It's a little like that game "Red light, green light".

I never fail to find it funny, and I usually end up crouched in a ball, hugging my knees, trying desperately not to laugh. Making eye contact with Jen only makes it funnier. We usually spend a good 30-40 seconds down there, waiting patiently like little elves. Then we get up, do our peeking, and we're on our way. Lately, this happens every single time we go in. I'm hoping we don't end up with light sleepers.

Day forty five.

All the photos today are courtesy of Mommy.

Abby gets a handful of sheep.

Lily hangs out with the dragon.

She loves being at the table.
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1 comment:

  1. Dave--I started reading your blog yesterday and I went back three weeks! You are a wonderful storyteller. I love it and will be back to read more. Thanks for taking the time to share. Kate A.
