Sometimes it's a juggling act.
Dave left for Atlanta today--he officially left us at 3:40 PM, that's when we dropped him off. It took 25 seconds for both kids to start wailing away. Maybe it's because it was nap-time, maybe it's because they thought he was going to take them out of the car and were disappointed that they were still in their car seats. I think it was because they somehow intuitively knew the three of us are on our own until Friday and they are going to miss their daddy. I know that's why I wanted to join in and wail too. I managed to hold it together though and avoid adding my cries to the chaos. Instead, I sang all the way home, changed their diapers, gave them each some milk, and put them to bed for a nap. That is where they are now. Lily fell right asleep...Abby has been singing for 35 minutes--something tells me she is not going to take a nap. But she's not complaining, so neither am I.
I am, however, going to work on the blog early today. I have lots of homework to do when they go to bed tonight and need to squeeze this in wherever possible. That will be the theme this week--squeezing in a little time now and then to keep up with this wonderful project of Dave's.
Which leads me into taking this moment to thank Dave for not only taking on this wonderful chronicling of a year in the lives of our children (and us by default), but also for doing such a marvelous job at it. I will do my best to make it entertaining, but will also beg forgiveness early on for what I know is to come this week--possibly shorter posts than usual and definitely the use of pictures that are not new each day. It is the end of the semester and I am overwhelmed with schoolwork. Plus, if you haven't gleaned this from reading Dave's blog thus far, I will say that our parenting-style is very much a team-approach. This is, in part, because that happens to be who we are as a couple and is just how we do things. But it is also because that is what is necessary in order to take care of these yahoos and not go crazy. Hopefully I can handle a few days on my own and still find time to eat and sleep...and if not, well, I've been looking for a way to lose the rest of the baby weight anyway and a few days of not eating should help!
So, here goes...the first night of just me and the girls. It's starting now because, frankly, Abby will not nap and the singing has turned into an ugly display of unhappiness.
Lily contemplating how to make me move in the direction she wants to go in.
Someone thinks I'm funny.

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