Friday, March 6, 2009

What's one giraffe between sisters?

A rare and beautiful moment of playing together.

Not more than a couple moments after the above photo was taken, a hitherto unprecedented event unfolded before our very eyes. Let me interject here, as it might add dramatic impact if I were to preface this story with the fact that our kids, who co-rented a uterus for just shy of nine months, do not share anything. Abby hates pacifiers and sees little use for them, but if Lily crawls past with that tempting ring dangling from her mouth, Abby will snatch it out in a flash, like something out of a Jacques Cousteau film. Lily is thrilled to reciprocate, though, and will at times sit on Abby in the process. If that pacifier scenario were to play out with two pacifiers instead of one, they would simply steal the other person's simultaneously, then steal them again, and again and again, creating this unending loop of un-sharing. I've seen this happen; it's hilarious.

We've made some attempts at instilling the concept of sharing, but it's not gotten a toehold in their psyche quite yet. Lily has shown some flashes of generosity, most frequently when she tries to feed us during dinner. This is at once adorable and horrifyingly disgusting, because her hand is usually cold, slimy with whatever psuedo-food we're giving them, and immediately thrust into my throat. She loves it, of course, and she's sharing, so we clap like mad - or Jen does, while I excuse myself to dry heave into the dog's food bowl.

As we were watching the kids play tonight, just prior to bedtime, Lily took a toy giraffe and very deliberately gave it to Abby. Abby accepted it (dubiously, of course; recall that she is sat upon frequently by her sibling), and Lily leaned back to surmise that it was a good deed, then went on to play with something else. Have you ever witnessed an event so shocking that you are paralyzed by it? That's a good way to describe it. Utter disbelief. Our little girl shared something! So we clapped like mad, and I didn't even have to run to the dog bowl.

Day nineteen.

This table previously held items of either decor or utility. Now it's neither, because Lily will destroy whatever lays upon it.

Those that know me (Dad especially) knows my disdain for flash. I think I might be coming around, but only because I've got a speedlight from work that I'm using to bounce off the wall, and it makes our family room as bright as the sun.
I must say that I never could have gotten this photo, which I love, without flash. I hate recanting.

Abs, looking sly as ever. Munchkin.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is worth noting that right before Lily shared the giraffe with her sister, Abby had just stolen the other giraffe from Lily's hands. So her act of kindness was actually in response to her sister's act of treachery.
