The girls were ridiculous tonight. I'm not trying to sugar coat our life with them, I swear; this blog is using a warts-and-all approach. But the girls seem intent on topping themselves lately. Abby was in a fantastic mood when I picked them up, and that mood never really abated. Lily was cranky, but in a very cuddly and needy way that was cute and amusing in its own way.
Our night went pretty fast, the girls playing nicely, eating well, fitter, happier. The stunning moment of the day came when Lily, randomly and for no apparent reason, tried to give Abby a kiss (which failed because she had a pacimafier in her mouth), then when that didn't work she just laid her head on her chest and snuggled with her for a few seconds. Jen claims that it melted her heart five times, which I think was just a figure of speech. Moments like these are special because the girls usually don't really give each other the time of day. When it happens, it's noteworthy and heart melting (five times over).
Another fun encounter between them: they were both sitting facing each other, Abby with a cracker in her hand and Lily with a pacifier in her mouth. Lily made a rather lazy grab for the cracker, which Abby deftly thwarted. Abby countered with a lunge for the pacifier. Again, no score. This went back and forth a couple times until Lily finally got the cracker. Then Abby got the pacifier. They both then - in complete unison - rotated 180 degrees on their butts so they were facing away from each other. I almost lizzed my pants.
I will throw in a negative for the day: the current situation with trying to change Lily's diaper is terrible. It's horrendous. I'll save it for another post, as it deserves its own lengthy telling.
Day thirty nine.
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