I'm at a loss trying to come up with an appropriate caption here.
Busy day today. We dragged the kids to two birthday parties: first was our nephew Oliver's, an event that we (and this may well give you a glimpse into our grip on life) received numerous invitations to and had solidly forgotten about, until my brother called last night to gently force an RSVP from us. The second was for Ella Moore (of Chris and Emily Moore, whose blog can be found right here) who is turning one and is a gracious host who can share legos with aplomb.
Steve and Joy had the family all out to the Park Tavern for Oliver's third birthday. If you happened to look outside today and notice there were no children in Minneapolis, that's because they were all at the Park Tavern. 28 lanes, 273,402 children. That much stimulation was a bit much for the girls (black light cosmic bowling, NCAA basketball on many screens, dance music, food, drinks, anarchy), although they handled it well. Their brains did not explode. Abby even sat on the lane and pushed a bowling ball pack and forth to me, which was kind of a highlight of the day.
Later on it was off to the Moores'. Somewhere in there we took some naps and walked the dogs, but it's all a blur of madcap parenting.
It was a fun but short time at Chris and Emily's. I had to get back and take photos at the Pillsbury Theater for powderhorn 365, so we only got to be there for an hour or so. Long enough for Lily to stuff her entire hand into a bowl of Cheerios (see below). As Emily pointed out, multi-grain cheerios have a barely-perceptible coating of sugar that makes them stick quite readily to toddler paws. Hence...the picture below.
That was about it for the day. It's late...I'm sleepy. Please allow some pictures of the day to do some talking for me.
Day thirty four.
Emily and Abby hang out.
Yup, that's my kid. At least she gets a laugh from Emily's mom.
I could not understand how this one cheerio could stay attached to her face.
Lily walking up after a snooze.
Another shot of Lily getting awoken, prematurely apparently.
The brood.
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