Monday, December 21, 2009


I pass this tree every day on my way home. I like it.

This photo is explained below.

For the first time in a while, the girls had a flawless morning ritual. I don't think there was a raised voice or unhappy eye in the house, except for one brief moment where Lily unintentionally roundhouse kicked Abby in the face. And to be honest, I don't entirely believe it was unintentional, but my life is going to be a lot easier believing it was, so that's what I'm going with.

No tantrums today; no irrational needs or demands; nothing unsettling. It was idyllic. This stands in stark contrast to the past couple weeks. Abby especially has been rather crankified while dealing with her cold, but she's just about done with it. Hurrah! Just in time to stick them on an airplane.

Our neighbors Jeff and Esther came over post-work to hang out and deliver two absurdly cute handknit winter hats for the girls. They caught the Lily in a weird mood - I'd just had to defuse her from a little snit - and in an unprecedented move, she would not leave the kitchen to see them. I've never seen her so shy before. She was pretty much rooted to that spot in the photo above, looking sternly our way. She is starting to hit that stage, though, where she digs her heels in on any issue, so when we started trying to coax her into the dining room, it only fortified her anti-social stance. Abby was her typical self: she buried her face into Jen's neck and peeked out coyly, which is pretty normal for her.

Later on, I found myself in Richfield for the first night of pick up hockey for the year. I skated around a lot and now I am very sore.

Thank you again Jeff and Esther for the hats, they are fantastic!

Day three hundred and eight.

Abs in high def!

Lily in high def as well!


  1. Cool blog. I never thought of documenting out experience with twins. I have twin boys (8 now) and live in Minneapolis.

    If you get a chance check out lots of hockey opps in the metro.

  2. Love the bottom two pictures, they are beautiful!
