Thursday, November 5, 2009

We are at a stage where we no longer smile for the camera

Lily practicing for the catwalk in her daddy's shoes.

Dave is asleep on the couch. Apparently he has been fighting off sleep all day but fatigue finally won out. I don't have the heart to wake him up to do the blog again (I have to do it a lot).

The girls were a predictable mix of pleasant and "god-help-us she must get that from your side of the family". The latter was mainly Lily--what a shock. Some of you loyal readers are probably thinking by now that Lily is a hellion that you never ever want to babysit. There are moments when this is true. However, the beautiful thing about Lily is that she is all big emotions--she does nothing small. So while this fact might make tantrums and cranky moods difficult to deal with, it also means that she loves big, shares big (the girl is all about sharing with Abby--whenever she's not stealing from Abby), cuddles big, and laughs big. When she's not refusing to do something or not to do something, she's polite and sweet and empathetic. I hope you're getting that from the blog and not just that she's a handful (which she is of course).

Abby was in her element tonight--surrounding herself with multiple toys that make music and playing them all simultaneously. Our little DJ.

Why are you taking my picture? Feed me!

Lily had a complete and total breakdown at dinner tonight. It lasted awhile. She was finally happy when she got to sit at the dining room table and eat at the table with us. It took way too long to figure that out.

Abs playing her sad face/ happy face game.

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