Monday, November 2, 2009

The return of night class.

Caught, red/blue/green/orange/yellow/brown handed.

Tonight marked Jen's return to what will likely prove to be her last night class. Rather than take care of the kids like a proper parent, I jumped all over my sister's offer to come over and help. I'm not sure she even had the offer out of her mouth when I was asking her when she could be here. Aunt Tracey is good like that.

The Harpies were really quite pleasant tonight, real peaches the both of them. Pre-dinner was a bonanza of coloring activity. Lily did some good work on the paper and on her hand. Abby put a pretty good amount of work trying to fill in the circles I drew. She eventually grew a little bored, though, and would simply say, "All done!" every time I'd hand her a marker, then she would pick another one, I'd open it for her, she would hold it for 3 seconds, say "All done!" and this would repeat.

One of my favorite moments of the night came around dinner. The girls were swarming me while I tried to make grilled cheese, which was hilarious and dangerous as all get out. To placate them, I gave them a piece of cheese (because what better food object to lead a grilled cheese sandwich than...another piece of cheese? Hooray for variety!). Lily dropped her cheese after a few moments, so the dog pounced messily onto it and it was quickly no longer. Lily's reaction was awesome: she burst into a top-of-the-lungs wail (actually so heartfelt it was soundless for the first few seconds, her mouth agape and wet with instant-tears. How do kids get so many tears so fast?), but she also began at the same time frantically making the 'more' sign with her hands. Maybe I'm not describing it well, but it was absurdly cute/hilarious/heartbreaking: her head thrown back, face twisted in abject agony, little pinched fingers coming together pleading for more. I'll never get rid of that vision.

The rest of the night was equally entertaining. The girls were mostly giggles for Aunt Tracey, Abby showed off her reading skills, Lily showed off her laughing, and it was all a breeze thanks to her coming over to help.

Who's up for next Monday?

Day two hundred and sixty nine.

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