Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day for MBA students

Considering the feedback I got from Jen's dad regarding yesterday's post (I was roundly berated for taking the night off), I am severely tempted to just take the night off again and see what happens. Invitations to Duluth might quickly dry up, or at the very least I'd be sleeping with Ellie in the kennel.

I wish today could have been a great Mother's Day for Jen, but apparently this holiday was scheduled long before MBAs - and the dastardly finals they finish with - existed. I just did a quick look at Facebook for the day, and seeing all the "had a relaxing mom's day"-esque status updates caused me a harsh stab of pity for my little bookworm. No pedicure. No relaxing with a book. Just her, a laptop, a pinch of wi-fi, and heaps of bidness school. In what has become a regular proclamation for many such holidays lately, I've vowed to make it up to her someday soon.

Thanks to some help from Neil, Jen's dad, we got a new tree today, an Accolade Elm from the friendly folks at Tree Trust. $25 for a tree isn't bad, but there's every reason to believe that it will never add value to the house because we'll be long gone before it throws any shade on the Gels abode. When you think about it, I just donated $25 to the next-next people to own the place, and they'll likely cut it down to pave the front yard. I can rest knowing I'm doing my part to make the world shadier and more greeny.

Twins were good today, those little troopers. The schedule was way out of whack, but they always seem to roll with it all in a good natured way. We had a good time at Christy and Steve's for some rolls and coffee with the Stalker side, then a nap, then over to Papa's for dinner with the Gels people. Lots of family. It's fun to trot out the kids now that they've got new tricks in the bag; walking, crawling, laughing, spilling coffee all over themselves, etc. All the typical cliche toddler things.

That's about it. It's 10:42, and Jen is still at it. I think she's working a bit too hard. I hadn't heard from her in a while, so I just turned around to find that she's turned into a cucumber. I mean, really. Thanks a lot, I'm married to a cucumber. You happy?

Day eighty four.

With amazing and humble respect to Jenny, a fantastic Mommy through and through, I thought I'd throw up a few of my favorites of my Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Out of respect and love for my mother in law, I wanted to put a couple photos up of Marj, but I don't have any good photos of her. Not one. You hear me Marj?!? You're going to have to sit still for a photo one of these days!

Mom and me just a few moments after Abby and Lily were born.

Me and the 'rents, waaaay back during my senior year of high school I think?

Ahh, the hair. Mimi and Grace, Tracey and Mark's munchkin.

An older one, one of my favorites.


  1. maybe after i finish ww. maybe.

  2. This is a lovely picture. I can see why it's one of your favorites.
