Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Double duty.

This picture shall explain itself in mere moments.

Jen finished her semester today after one big whirlwind of a final and presentation. We had a right mind to order some Thai, drink a beer, and get festive. The girls were tired and destined for an early bedtime, so things seemed to be going our way; we just had to give them a bath and a bottle and send them to bed.

The bath went south when I heard Jen say something you never, ever want to hear from your spouse in this situation:

"Ew. What's that?"

It was a doodie. A few of them, actually, bobbing toxically along on the waves. From our best guess, it was almost certainly Abby. The girls were ripped from the water with the utmost haste. Thanks to some very poor timing, the poop dropped before we'd even begun to wash them; the bath would need to be resumed. So we put the girls in some towels and set about refilling the tub.

This took the better part of 6 minutes, which actually passed rather pleasantly. The girls were kinda goofy about the change in routine.

The kids went back in the bath. I'd managed to wet Abby's hair and had just started to get a good lather going when I saw Round 2 shoot from her tooshie. Sploosh. "Rip," went the girls from the water. "Bob," went the wee little Abby nuggets. "Dammit," went the parents.

Poopie in the bath. How could we have avoided it until now? How could fate have caught up with us in such a doubly manner?

Confident that the worst was behind us (foreshadowing! ooooh....can you feel it?), we brought the kids downstairs and let them play while we pored over the Kinhdo menu. Jen went down to where Abby was playing and grabbed a toy she'd just had. It was all wet. Suspiciously wet. After a cursory evaluation, we found that the dog had peed all over the floor and all over the toys that the girls were just then playing with. Damn dog.

It seemed like an uphill night. But in the end the food was had, the beer was drunk, and we finally got to relax. And now Jen is passed out with the dog on her lap.

Day eighty seven.

Bad hair day, good day.

Bad hair day...not such a good day.

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  1. This reminds me of the first time we took Susan to England when she was just one year old. We stayed at some old friends of Andy's for a couple of nights. We gave Susan a bath the first night there and guess what happened? This at the house of a couple who never had kids. They were very kind about it but I was mortified! Poop in the bath, every parents dream!

    Congratulations to Jenn for another semester down!

  2. Dave--I love you--you're absolutely brilliant and hilarious.
    Jen--congratulations!!! Is it possible that two such brilliant people could both be my friends? You're amazing.
    I just spent about an hour reading all the past entries I've been very behind with and I have comments for so many of them, but if I leave them after the appropriate entry, will they be read? I don't know, so I'm leaving a few here.
    Dave, if you ever need help resuscitating an aioli again, just give me a call--once you know a couple tricks it truly is an easy thing to whip up. And whole milk is in fact utterly brilliant. Until you started drinking it I think we were the only family in the cities that only bought whole milk (even before Ella). In Switzerland they only have whole (3.8%) or half (2.7%). Not sure what's up with their math, but after living there I was hooked. It's heaven. And it's linked with fertility in women, which I find facinating. There were tons more comments I wanted to make, but of course I've forgotten everything except for the food ones. Oh dear. We've gotta get the girls together before we leave. I love your blog, and your family. You are inspirational!
